Enhanced Human, Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, Robotics. Faced with these new technologies announced and fantasized, which bends will our societies take? Will we be able to distinguish between humans, augmented humans and robots? What consequences will these technologies have for our businesses, our lives, our relationships?
I try with this series to project myself into the intimacy of a daily life rooted in a world where the border between the human and the machine is blurred. We discover characters evolving out of sight, discreetly so as not to reveal their true nature for fear of being differentiated and judged.
I draw a parallel between the relationship between digital life and "real" life, which supports the notions of perception and appearance and its derivations. We can play roles, we can play characters, but appearances can be false or misleading.
I try with this series to project myself into the intimacy of a daily life rooted in a world where the border between the human and the machine is blurred. We discover characters evolving out of sight, discreetly so as not to reveal their true nature for fear of being differentiated and judged.
I draw a parallel between the relationship between digital life and "real" life, which supports the notions of perception and appearance and its derivations. We can play roles, we can play characters, but appearances can be false or misleading.
Here is a small selection of photos from the project.
The entire project is visible on the dedicated site https://therobotnextdoorproject.com/
The entire project is visible on the dedicated site https://therobotnextdoorproject.com/
Follow the project on Instagram